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Breaking Borders: The #OpenData Party in Accra Ghana

- December 31, 2014 in Events

In the last series of our advocacy on Open Data through capacity building, we finally had a data clinic session at the Asa Royal Hotel in Accra, Ghana on Tuesday, December 9, 2014 a coincidence with the International Anticorruption Day, and CSOs in Accra Ghana weren’t left out. Why did we try taking this gospel to Ghana? We had enjoyed close collaboration and relationship with start ups and NGOs in Ghana, and for them, one of the drawbacks in finding data is the unavailability of a freedom of information act, or the access to information act.

Just like we have seen in Nigeria, NGOs and activist seem not familiar with data pipelines or what we refer to as the data management processes, likewise basic tools that can be used in analyzing data. Unlike Nigeria, the transparency and accountability [T&A] movement in Ghana is coordinated under the STARGHANA project. Thus creating an ecosystem of groups working in the T&A component of the Open Data movement. “Two years ago, I was part of a team that initiated the SMS reporting on service delivery in the health sector, however, I am not sure how much the system is working anymore” explained Joseph Senyo, National Director of Programmes, Community and Family Aid Foundation

Open Data Party in Accra Ghana

Participants at the Open Data event in Accra Ghana

While going through finding data, it was interesting to know that Nigeria has more datasets available online than Ghana, as most of the participants couldn’t figure out where to find the budget data of the country, although some mentioned the ministry of finance, but surprisingly we couldn’t get budget data from this website. Nevertheless, the country national statistics online portal is a one – stop shop for datasets in the country, and only one of the participants knew this existed. Analyzing using Microsoft Excel, and Google Spreadsheets was an eye – opener for participants, as most of them requested to know how this can be applicable in their various works.

While it was important to drive this conversation forward, outside the training sessions, the participants were already thinking about a 3 –day event that could bring together government, NGOs and other activist in the coming year. But, our trip to Accra would not have been complete without taking some time at the iSpace (it was a women in technology day, and we had ladies) and the LaBadi Beach – it is known that trainings can also be complemented with ice breakers on the beach – and same we did, and fortunately for us – it was the reggae night.

Getting  instant feedbacks from participants

Getting instant feedbacks from participants

“We would have like to have more days of training, as the little minutes I spent was quite educative, especially the use of analysis tools, thus making me to know how important data is to my various monitoring and evaluation work” said Mensah Ileom of Inspire Africa. Actually, I have seen more NGO participants looking towards how data gathering can also help them in monitoring and evaluation, aside using it for advocacy, and monitoring service delivery.


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Looking back: The Data Bootcamp in Ghana

- October 31, 2012 in Events, On the Road

After a successful Data Bootcamp in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania we moved to Accra, Ghana to rinse and repeat. Like Tanzania, Ghana has started an Open Government Data Initiative. They committed to it in 2010 and commissioned the National Information Technology Agency to drive the program. Currently a Open Government Data platform is in the making at However, little is to be seen except a mockup.

Compared to Tanzania we found an excited and engaged good mix of journalists, civil society representatives and technologists. While most of the participants were from Ghana, we had one participant coming in from Benin and a Ph.D student from Berkeley researching the Ghana Diaspora – who happened to be in town. We guided around 60 participants through the intensive 3 day program – kicking them off with basic spreadsheet skills and taking them all the way through Google Refine to creating Visualisations with Fusion Tables. This was a long stretch for the journalists and civil society organisers. During the workshop participants formed a total of 7 groups to work on specific stories and applications ranging from traffic accidents to public procurement.

On the third day the participants started teaching themselves: One person created a tutorial on how to import point of interest data into excel while others took the stage to show how to create simple websites and embed Fusion Table graphs and maps.

After three days and two nights of intensive work the Bootcamp ended in short presentations of the projects. The session started with great excitement and provided valuable and critical feedback for all programs. Awarding winners was not an easy task and so the African Media Initative and Worldbank Institute – who funded the prize – decided to ramp up the prize money and distribute it to more projects. A clear winning team focussed on extractive industries and whether the revenue generated helps the communities where the extraction takes place. Two runners-up worked with public procurement data and on a platform to track government manifestos – “It is a contract the government makes with us – the people”. Two project teams were awarded for finding the most interesting stories to take them further: Hospital Coverage and Road Accidents. Both discovered interesting stories in their data and started researching.

The three intensive days left everyone excited and exhausted. Most of the people came into the room knowing one or two other participants and connected with like-minded people of different skills. As a result the HacksHackers chapter in Accra increased it’s participants from 15 to over 90 at the end of the Bootcamp. We’ll keep an eye on further development in Ghana.

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