United Nations Photo – Climate Change Effects in Island Nation of Kiribati
Tools, Events, Courses
If you are a wannabe mapper and you need to acquire skills to manage your digital exploration tools you might be interested in registering at the “Online mapping for beginner” course of CartoDB starting on December the 3rd. Hurry up: only few places left!
Daniel Smilkov, Deepak Jagdish and César Hidalgo are three MIT students that developed a visualization tool called Immersion. Immersion helps you visualizing your network of e-mail contacts using only “From”, “To”, “Cc” without taking into account any kind of content.
JavaScript is one of the most common programming language frequently used to create beautiful visualizations. Follow this tutorial from dry.ly if you want to learn it bypassing D3.js. Practice makes perfect!
Data Stories
Yesterday, Transparency International launched it’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) ranking countries according to perceived levels of corruption. Have a look at the results and see how your country ranks.
Everyone knows what a bar chart is but have you ever heard about trilinear plots? This post from Alberto Cairo introduces a short consideration on new forms of data representations and on when to break conventions in information design.
The goal of the Digital Methods Initiative of the Amsterdam University is to map and analyze causes, effects and possible future scenarios deriving from climate change. As part of this project, the students from Density Design Research Lab wrote a wonderful post outlining their visual design take on climate change.
Gender inequality is one of those big issues which varies enormously from country to country. If you are wondering what countries have the worst gender gap a look at the map published on the Slate Magazine by Jamie Zimmerman, Nicole Tosh, and Nick McClellan.
There are a lot of visualizations you can make from data coming from social networks, especially from those coming from the biggest one: Facebook. Take a minute to see those posted in this curious article from Armin Grossenbacher: “Visualising (not so) Big Data”.
In Australia bushfires occur frequently. Look at the amazing interactive story that The Guardian published on their history, showing maps with data on temperatures, hectares of land burnt and number of properties damaged.
Not everyone knows that we just passed the World Aids Day on the first of December. Tariq Khokhar reminds us the global situation of the disease in this article from the World Bank Data Blog.
Data Sources
Datavisualization.fr extracted the list of the 5 most influential tweets of November containing the hashtag #dataviz from a database of about 10.100 posts. Read it here and see who did best.
Christimas is getting closer. If you need some good suggestions on what to buy to your friends and parents take a moment to read the FlowingData Gift Guide and you’ll find some interesting data-gifts for your data-lovers.
]]>We’re rounding up data news from the web each week. If you have a data news tip, send it to us at [email protected].
Photo by chsh/ii
Datawrapper 1.0 is an open source tool to create graphs and charts easily that has just been released. During the last months it has been working as a beta version. It’s designed by Mirko Lorenz and it allows you to create embeddable data visualisations in a very simple way.
The OKFN has created a new chapter in France as a way of relate local initiatives with the international open knowledge community. You can follow the French group on Twitter.
If you are interested in data visualisation, Alberto Cairo is organizing the second edition of a free course called ‘introduction to infographics and data visualisation’, hosted by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas. For the first edition more than 2000 people enrolled in just a few days. This time there will be more vacancies but more than 1100 students joined the course so far.
Next 1st and 2nd of December, 8 Latin American countries will celebrate an international hackathon called ‘Desarrollando América Latina’ (Developing Latin America). The aim of this event is to develop apps to ‘solve cross curricular social problems’ of the region. It will take place in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Chile, México, Perú, and Uruguay.
News:Rewired is a must-go event in the UK. This conference hosted by Journalism.co.uk tackles the most important challenges of digital communication each year, and that includes data.
Data can measure (almost) everything, even happiness. The ONS has launched a report about the well-being in the UK and they even designed a wheel to interact with the data.
And even though we don’t know if happiness is just about the money, The Guardian Datablog made the wages map of Britain
Emil Johansson also likes maps, but he prefers the Middle Earth instead of Great Britain. This Swedish student is the author of the Lord of the Rings Project, a data driven work about Tolkien’s universe. It was launched a few months ago, but it has became so successful that his owner had to ask for money to buy a bigger host. He collected more than 700 dollars in just 3 days.
Earlier this month Margaret Hodge, chair of the Public Accounts Committee, stated that data should play an important role in government decisions but that there were some coordination problems that prevented this to happen. This week, public sector took a big step towards the use of big data with the announce of a new code of practice to protect privacy in government datasets.
And on the other side of the Atlantic, O’Reilly’s data blog Strata talks about how the public sector efficiency could be improve with the right use of big data.